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International Pageant

August 1st and August 2nd


The Accomplishments
Of Today's
Teens ®

Miss Teen Florida International®

Karlee Floyd

People's Choice Award

1.What is the funniest thing you remember as a child?
Sports. Through sports I have gained many life lessons – fair play, sportsmanship, cooperation, humility, the thrill of victory, and the agony of defeat.

2.What is the one piece of clothing you wish you owned?
Simple is spectacular. I think my grandmother was always right when she said “less is more”.

3.What season of the year is your favorite and why?
I am completely determined. When I set my mind to do something, nothing can stop me.

4.What is your favorite movie?
Friday signifies the end of the work week and the beginning of a relaxing weekend

5.What song makes you think of yourself?
I am not very superstitious, but I do have a bracelet with a four leafed clover on it. Maybe I should wear it more.