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International Pageant

August 1st and August 2nd


The Accomplishments
Of Today's
Teens ®

Miss Teen Pennsylvania International®

Kathryn McDonnell - 1st Runer-Up

People's Choice Award

 The 2009 Miss Teen Pennsylvania International will take place in Altoona on March 28th.

Check out Kathryn's website

Hi, everyone!  My name is Kathryn McDonnell, but most people call me Kacie.  I’m seventeen, an upcoming freshman at Villanova University, and honored to be Miss Teen Pennsylvania International!  For the past four years I have been persistently working to promote my platform of teen abstinence and the message of “Silver Ring Thing” throughout the Keystone State. 


“It’s all about guys, girls, dating, love, second chances, and the right choices.”

SRT is a unique youth ministry that utilizes two avenues: a live event and a study program used in group and classroom settings.


SRT's stage performance is delivered in a concert-style approach with which teenagers can respond and relate.  When a student decides to make a commitment to abstinence they wear a silver ring as a symbol of their purity.

With the entire SRT team and a mere 3 weeks as "Teen Queen" under my belt, I recently traveled to Dallas, Texas for the 2008 Heartbeat International Conference where I was able to speak with hundreds of teens and community leaders! SRT is the fastest growing teen abstinence program in the United States. Through this program today’s youth is able to understand that abstinence until marriage is the only way to avoid the harmful physical and emotional effects of premarital sex.

Although I only hold this title for one year, I do not intend to abandon my mission.  I plan to journey to South Africa to deliver the message of SRT to support the battle against the AIDS epidemic.  I am currently working with the South African-based branch of SRT to set up a month-long tour for my visit in the summer of 2009.